Yes this is me in the 70's when everyone worn plaid, turtlenecks and corduroy, lol! I thought this was a perfect time of year to share one of my childhood memories.
I was six years old and already loved creating with any and all art materials. My neighborhood had a door decorating contest so my mom pulled out poster board and paints and I went to town. I will never forget her cutting out my Santa and wishing she had trimmed back his tall hat! I was up against the neighborhood moms and won first place! The grand prize was a 12" black and white tv which was a big deal back in the day. Boy have times changed over the last 50 years. Good grief, I am starting to sound old! Well the funny end to the story is our color tv was broken at the time so our family had to watch the Olympics on this tiny black and white screen where the athletes probably were the size of ants.
The moral of the story is have fun with art, don't worry about perfection- Santa can sport a tall cap and remember to gather your courage to go against the odds. You never know if you will save the day and allow your family the chance to see the Olympics.