When school is out that means our routines change with the arrival of long summer days. As a mom, I know this affects all parents whether you work inside or outside the home. Entertaining little ones can be exhausting and we can't always default to electric devices. I am here to help. I will not only show you the positive effects of a child having their own personalized hero cape set but many more resources for creative play to unleash their imagination.
In June ... I will introduce you to my friend Wendy who is the owner of The Log Cabin Vintage. One special week in June she is providing the Creative Capes Community a special offer. Make sure my emails are not ending up in your spam folder! If you haven't joined the Creative Capes Community yet, sign up now so you don't miss out. Join now.
In July... I will be moving including the Creative Capes Studio! I will still be in Maryland but needless to say I will need to box up EVERYTHING and then do everything in reverse. I will continue to fill online orders but may be slow for a week or two to get things in the mail. Seems like a special event should happen to celebrate our move. I will brainstorm what treat to offer my Creative Capes Community especially since my next art festival isn't occurring until the Fall.
In August... I have another amazing fellow small business friend whose mission is screen-free play. I figured by early August you might need a boost of fresh ideas to entertain the kiddos without breaking the bank. Watch your inbox for this intro and special offer just for the Creative Capes Community.
In September... Kids return to school and ways to encourage positive affirmation is on the top of my list!
Before we know it the fall/winter holidays will be upon us. I have something in the works to make gift giving impactful and easy for you to shop small businesses like Creative Capes. Stay tuned!
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